Drink Driving - Drink Driving

Drink Driving

Drink driving: How much is too much?

Alcohol plays a role in one out of four fatal accidents on Europe's roads. The risk of being involved in an accident with a blood alcohol content of only 0.8 per mille is almost three times as high as that of a sober driver. At levels of 1.1, it rises to six times more likely. With this reading, a court would consider a driver to be 'totally unfit to drive'.

What is clear is that to be on the safe side, you should only really drive when you haven't been drinking. However, the only categories of drivers in Germany who must adhere to the strict zero-alcohol limit are professional drivers, new drivers, and those who have been previously involved in drink driving convictions.

In practice, however, it's not so easy to assess whether you should drive or not. Our infographic shows why this is the case.

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Purchase the Alcotest® 4000

To purchase the Dräger Alcotest® 4000 device - nothing could be easier. Simply visit our dedicated Amazon page for more details

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Every glass counts

In order to illustrate how blood alcohol content has an effect, for example what an adult male weighing 80 kg needs to drink to achieve the level of 0.5, we have done a sample calculation.

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Is there a rule of thumb? Not when it comes to calculating breath alcohol levels!

Putting into practice a rough rule of thumb is somewhat risky. And breath alcohol calculators on the Internet or apps are only as accurate as the data entered. People who want to act in a responsible manner when driving need accurate readings. An alcohol breath test is easier, faster and more accurate than a 'theoretical' calculation. More about the various measuring methods can be found in our Dräger Review Special, ' Drugs and Alcohol'.

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Precision breath alcohol content check

Fast, clean and above all, reliable: Using the Alcotest® 4000, you can measure your breath alcohol content with the same technology and precision as police officers. In just a few seconds you have an accurate result you can rely on.

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Please Note

The morning after drinking, your driving can still be impaired even if you are below the legal drink drive limit. If you do not feel safe to drive - do not drive - even if you are below the drink drive limit.

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Ullswater Close, Blyth Riverside Business Park
Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 4RG

+44 (0) 1670 352 891

Call us from Mo - Thurs 8:30 - 17:00h
Fri - 8:30 - 14.00

Draeger Marine and Offshore

Unit E1, ABZ Business Park, International View,
Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0BJ

+44 (0) 1224 701 569