Renewable Energy | Zero Carbon - CCUS Carbon capture

Renewable Energy | Zero Carbon

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CCUS - Attaining global decarbonisation & CO2 reduction goals

CCS (Carbon Capture Storage) is an option in the portfolio of mitigation actions for stabilization of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and the attainment of global CO2 reduction goals.

The capture and storage of carbon dioxide, summarized under the abbreviation CCS for Carbon Capture and Storage or Carbon Dioxide, Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS), are considered as a crucial transitional technology to quickly reduce net CO2 emissions. Usually, the CO2 is captured from industrial and energy-related sources such as coal-fired power plant, a chemical plant or biomass power plant.

Carbon capture involves the capturing of anthropogenic waste CO2, transporting it to a storage site and depositing it into sinks such a geological reservoir, where it cannot enter the atmosphere. CCS can be applied to large point sources such as fossil fuel energy facilities like the natural gas-powered plants or steel manufacturing sites. After capturing the CO2, it is then compressed and transported for geological storage. Pipelines are preferred for transporting large amounts of CO2 for distances around 1000km. If the volume of CO2 is smaller than a few million Tonnes per year, then ships/trucks are economically favoured. After the COis injected into the subsurface, it will rise until it is trapped by some impermeable layer or cap rock where it is stored indefinitely.

Capturing CO2 plays an important role at large carbon-based energy facilities, industries with major CO2 emissions (e.g., cement production, steelmaking), natural gas processing, synthetic fuel plants and fossil fuel-based hydrogen production plants - and also supports the great goal of greenhouse gas reduction.

Safety solutions for CCUS applications

Read on to find out more.

At levels above 5% concentration CO2 is toxic to humans

The density of CO2 needs to be considered. This molecule is heavier than air by roughly 60% and will travel at low levels, displacing O2 and creating toxic conditions for humans. 

It can linger for long periods in depressions, pits, trenches and cellars, long after it has dispersed from ground level.

hydrogen safety for the industry - toxic

CO2 is toxic

The cause of death in breathing high concentrations of CO2 is not the hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in your body tissues) but the intoxication of carbon dioxide. CO2 is:

  • Colourless
  • Odourless
  • Non-combustible
  • Results from the oxidation of carbon
CCUS - gas vapours (Clean Tech)

CO2 is a greenhouse gas

CO2 is the most significant long-lived greenhouse gas in earth's atmosphere.

Since the industrial revolution anthropogenic emissions – primarily from use of fossil fuels and deforestation – have rapidly increased its concentration in the atmosphere leading to Global Warming

Hazards found in different application areas for CCUS

CCS for Oil Recovery

One current use of the CO2 captured during the CCS process is enhanced oil recovery.

Possible hazards: CO2

Long-Term Storage for CO2

The possibility of CO2 leakage.

Possible hazards: CO2

CO2 Transport and Storage

The possibility of CO2 leakage.

Possible hazards: CO2

Public Perception of Placing CO2

Storing carbon from CCS has several perceived risks that are not popular among the public. The negative NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) effect is often stronger than the public’s positive perception of CCS.

Possible hazards: CO2

Recommended Plant & Personal Safety Solutions

The typical gases that need to be considered during carbon capture processes are Oxygen (in terms of deficiency), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Amines (RNH2) R for example: Methyl- (CH3) or Ethyl groups- (CH2CH3-), Nitrogen Oxides (NO2, NO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Reliable detection is essential to increase worker's safety.

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Due to the weight of CO2, 60% heavier than air, this gas has a tendency to gather in low spots such as bund areas and pits. This can used to the site advantage. The detectors should be placed beneath pipelines and can alert to any build-up of CO2. IR detection will give an accurate ppm level measurement. Suitable for low pressure and high-pressure systems, with the primary focus being protection of personnel, these should be located in areas where personnel are likely to frequent.

CO2 as %vol or ppm can be detected using point IR detection.

Dräger PIR 7200

Dräger PIR 7200

The Dräger PIR 7200 is an explosion proof point infrared gas detector for continuous monitoring of carbon dioxide. Designed for the industrial use, the transmitter offers drift-free optics. And due to its robust product design the PIR 7200 can be operated even in harsh environments.

Product details

Dräger Polytron® 8720 IR

Dräger Polytron® 8720 IR

The Dräger Polytron® 8720 IR is an advanced explosion proof transmitter for the detection of carbon dioxide in percent volume or ppm. It uses a high performance infrared Dräger PIR 7200 sensor, which can be submerged in water without damage. Besides a 3 wire 4 to 20 mA analogue output with relays, it also offers HART®, ...

Product details

Dräger REGARD® 3000

Dräger REGARD® 3000

​Monitor various gases and vapours with the modular Dräger REGARD® 3000 control system. Its multi-coloured status light signals the status of your gas detection system. The controller allows you to combine three different modules: Input, Relay and Gateway module. You can connect up to four analogue transmitters and eight relays ...

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Find the full range of Dräger FGDS products

At levels above 5% concentration CO2 is toxic to humans. Only measuring the O2 is not enough and the CO2 levels can rise and overwhelm the users. The course of injury breathing high concentrations of CO2 is not the hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in your body tissues) but the intoxication of carbon dioxide.

Mobile Gas Detection may should be carried by personnel to ensure the user is aware of high/Toxic levels of CO2.

Dräger Pac® 8000

Dräger Pac® 8000

With the robust Dräger Pac® 8000, you'll be well equipped for tough conditions: this non-disposable, personal single-gas detection device is a reliable and precise instrument, which detects hazardous concentrations of 29 different gases, including special gases like NO2, O3 or COCl2. Measured data ...

Product details

Dräger X-am® 5600

Dräger X-am® 5600

Featuring an ergonomic design and innovative infrared sensor technology, the Dräger X-am 5600 is the smallest gas detection instrument for the measurement of up to 6 gases. Ideal for personal monitoring applications, this robust and water-tight detector provides accurate, reliable measurements of explosive, combustible and toxic gases and vapors ...

Product details

Dräger X-am® 8000

Dräger X-am® 8000

Clearance measurement was never this easy and convenient: The 1 to 7 gas detector detects toxic and flammable gases as well as vapours and oxygen all at once – either in pump or diffusion mode. Innovative signalling design and handy assistant functions ensure complete safety throughout the process.

Product details

Find the full range of Dräger Portable Gas Detection products

Suitable occupational health and safety equipment is essential to protect employees during operational and maintenance works.

Due to high levels of CO2 or the possibility of high levels of CO2 an independent air supply is required for working and in case of an emergency, the type of device required is dependent on the duration it will take to get to a safe breathing area. APR is NOT allowed. Escape respiratory devices must be available in case of emergencies.

Dräger Saver CF

Dräger Saver CF

​The Dräger Saver CF constant flow Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus allows safe, effective and uncomplicated escape from hazardous environments. Simple to put on and featuring automatic operation, this hood-based, constant flow breathing device can be used with minimal training.

Product details

Dräger PAS® Colt

Dräger PAS® Colt

Combining versatility, ease of use and the latest in breathing apparatus design, Dräger’s PAS® Colt is among the most technologically advanced short duration and emergency escape units available.

Product details

Dräger Saver PP

Dräger Saver PP

The Saver PP positive pressure Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus allows safe, effective and uncomplicated escape from hazardous environments, even if H2S is present. Simple to put on and featuring automatic operation, this positive-pressure breathing device features an integrated full-face mask and can be used in conjunction with ...

Product details

Dräger PAS® Micro

Dräger PAS® Micro

Combining versatility, ease of use and the latest in breathing apparatus design, Dräger’s PAS® Micro is among the most technologically advanced short duration and emergency escape units available.

Product details

Find the full range of Dräger Breathing Protection & Escape products

Consultancy in handling Carbon Dioxide safety challenges is a matter for Dräger safety engineers. Experts review existing concepts to identify potential for improvement and establish sustainable safety. They provide conceptual support, assess your risks and define measures together with you.

Service technician

Broad portfolio of services

We support you with a broad portfolio of services: from maximizing uptime, installing and supporting our solutions, managing your portfolio, training your staff and leveraging the power of data to increase efficiency, reduce risks and drive outcomes.

VOICE Hazardous Substances Database

Dräger VOICE is an essential tool for the safe handling of hazmats. One click and you’ll receive relevant information and specific recommendations of safety equipment for more than 1,500 hazardous substances in its database.

Carbon Dioxide CO2

Carbon dioxide (CO2) appears as a colourless odourless gas at atmospheric temperatures and pressures.

For a full list of substance properties, click the link below.

Carbon Dioxide - find out more

Resource Centre

Here you can find useful links to information from a wealth of Dräger materials produced to support you in your search for knowledge of the Carbon Dioxide landscape

White papers, brochures and informative texts to give you the facts and technical background.

Safety Solutions in Carbon Capture Projects
CCUS brochure front cover

CO2 is an odourless an colourless gas, heavier than air and  may collect in poorly ventilated areas or confined spaces in low level clouds replacing the oxygen, posing the threat of suffocation in extreme cases.

How to choose the right emergency escape devices
Oil & Gas Emergency Escape Infographic

Life-threatening emergencies can occur at any moment in all kinds of industries. Proper risk analysis and safety planning should consider every possible emergency scenario. Use this emergency escape chart to help you plan.

Confined spaces in the chemical industry
Confined spaces in the chemical industry

Where no two jobs are the same. Cleaning and maintenance work in confined spaces present particular challenges for safety officers in the chemical industry. This document outlines five basic rules for working safely and efficiently.

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A picture paints a thousand words, a video paints a thousand pictures’ – informative videos to help describe some of the important topics

Hydrogen Early Warning Systems: Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection

Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection - Dräger Polytron 8900 UGLD: Ultrasonic sensor technology as early warning system for hydrogen gas leaks. In hydrogen plants, where safety is crucial, ultrasonic early warning provides additional protection.

Dräger Clearance Measurement

Clearance measurement was never this easy and convenient: The Dräger X-am® 8000 measures up to seven toxic as well as flammable gases, vapours and oxygen all at once — either in pump or diffusion mode. Innovative signalling design and handy assistant functions ensure complete safety throughout the process.

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Watch Dräger experts give educational talks and webinars, created to support the energy transition decarbonising our future.

Hydrogen safety for the industry ecology energy solution

Production, storage, transport and use of hydrogen holds special safety risks. Watch our five webinars to gain expert knowledge about handling the risks in all phases of the process. Get valuable safety information and practical insights of our safety experts.

  • Risk assessment
  • Plant safety
  • Gas detection technologies
  • Personal air monitoring options 
  • How to handle necessary maintenance works safely and efficiently

Got a question? Get in touch

We've looked externally for the latest useful research and findings into Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage / Carbon Dioxide and its place in the future clean technology environment. Click the links below to find out more.

Want to know more? Get in touch

If you have any questions or queries about the safety solutions surrounding clean energy, carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS), then complete the short form below and we'll get straight back to you.

Other Dräger Clean Energy Solutions

Follow the links below to find out more about our range of safety solutions in the Clean Tech area. 

Hydrogen Safety

Hydrogen Safety

Ammonia Safety

Ammonia Safety

Lithium-ion Battery Safety

Lithium-ion Battery Safety

Methanol Safety

Methanol Safety

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Draeger Safety UK Ltd.

Ullswater Close, Blyth Riverside Business Park
Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 4RG

+44 (0) 1670 352 891

Call us from Mo - Thurs 8:30 - 17:00h
Fri - 8:30 - 14.00

Draeger Marine and Offshore

Unit E1, ABZ Business Park, International View,
Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0BJ

+44 (0) 1224 701 569