Engineered Safety Solutions - Engineered solutions

Engineered Safety Solutions

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Bespoke safety products to meet your needs

Our Technology for Life® philosophy means that we continually evolve our products and services with a focus on your safety. We design safety devices and solutions that protect, support and save lives. But we also understand that no two sites are the same – which means that safety solutions can’t always come in a one-size-fits-all package. That’s why we also offer bespoke solutions. If you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for in our portfolio, we’ll use our engineering expertise to tweak our current products or tailor entirely new ones based on your specific needs and requirements. These services range through workshop solutions, fire training systems to refuge and rescue solutions.


Workshop Solutions

As a rescuer, we know your job doesn’t end when the rescue is finished. For this reason, we support you with tailormade services and workshop solutions for optimised workflow and equipment maintenance. This assists you to reduce your overall cost of ownership while getting the most out of your budget.

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Fire Training Systems

In a real firefighting situation, there’s no time to get accustomed to stress, heat and smoke. Mistakes in firefighting tactics can have grave consequences. Exposure by training in our fire training systems offers the best possible preparation for real firefighting. So when you are fighting fires, you are not playing with fire.

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Refuge and Rescue Solutions

On an industrial site and especially in mines, emergency situations can occur suddenly and unexpectedly. When that happens, there’s one main goal: to keep your workers safe until help arrives. As part of our bespoke engineered solution offering, our refuge chambers, trains and rescue vehicles can be tailored to your specific requirements – bringing you safety solutions that are ideal for your needs.

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Draeger Safety UK Ltd.

Ullswater Close, Blyth Riverside Business Park
Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 4RG

+44 (0) 1670 352 891

Call us from Mo - Thurs 8:30 - 17:00h
Fri - 8:30 - 14.00

Draeger Marine and Offshore

Unit E1, ABZ Business Park, International View,
Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0BJ

+44 (0) 1224 701 569