Anaesthesia Workshops - Anaethesia image

Anaesthesia Workshops

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Anaesthesia Workshops

This workshop enables participants to remain up-to-date with developments in anaesthesia. It offers the opportunity to discuss clinical problems personally with Dräger experts. The program includes practical examples and is interactive, with the option of using the Dräger Atlan or Dräger Perseus anaesthesia devices during the workshops practical sessions.

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Date of Training


Time Allocation



Friday, 25 July 2025

Basic Anaesthesia and Perseus A500 Workshop

1 Day (8 Hours)

09h00 – 14h00

Dräger JHB Office

Friday, 12 September 2025

Basic Anaesthesia and Atlan Workshop

1 Day (8 Hours)

09h00 – 14h00

Dräger JHB Office

Anaesthesia Workshop Registration Form

Maximum and minimum numbers apply per workshop. Please confirm availability prior to completing the registration form and making payment for the relevant workshop.

Please confirm workshop availability before payment

Workshop Information: All workshops carry a workshop fee

Workshop Fees are as follows for 2024: Nurses and Paramedics R270 pp, Doctors R550 pp.

Note: If registering as a group, EACH PERSON must complete a separate registration form either manually or online. Manually Completed Registration Forms must please be sent to: Dräger Academy: by latest 1 week prior to the workshop. 

For any queries please contact Dräger Academy on the following number: Office: +27 (011) 059 4200 Weekdays between 08h00 - 16h30

Methods of Payment: by Direct Deposit: Dräger Medical SA (Pty) Ltd,

ABSA Bank, Account Number: 405 954 1928; Branch Code: 632005; Acc Type: Current Acc; Reference: ID Number

Standard Bank, Account Number: 421477024 Branch Code: 009953; Acc Type: Current Acc; Reference: ID Number

Please send proof of payment to: Dräger Academy: 

Note: Any cancellations  must be submitted no later than 1 week prior to the date of the workshop. Any cancellations received after this date will forfeit the course fee.

Get in touch with Dräger


Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Johannesburg: 2 Ruacana Street, Waterfall Commercial District, (cnr Beatty Street), Buccleuch, 2090

+27(0)11 059 4200

Postal Address: P.O. Box 4676 Rivonia, 2128 Republic of South Africa  

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Cape Town:  Unit 2, 7 on London, 7 London Circle, Brackengate Business Park, Brackenfell, 7561 

+27(0) 21 819 3000

Postal Address: P.O. Box 3677 Tygervalley 7536

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Durban: 17 Thynk Industrial Park Cnr Brickworks and Queen Nandi Drive, Briardene, Durban North, 7561 

+27(0)31 812 7914

Postal Address: P.O. Box 40554 Redhill 4071

Dräger Ghana Ltd.

3rd Floor, EY Tower-Canon House, 60 Rangoon Lane, Cantonments City, Accra - Ghana

Postal Address: P.O Box CT 4412, Cantonments, Accra – Ghana.

Digital Address: GL-045-5249