Medical Ventilators and Lung Monitoring - Nurse checks on patient’s medical ventilator in ICU

Medical Ventilators and Lung Monitoring

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State-of-the-art medical ventilators for every situation

Dräger aims to always help you meet medical challenges – and our innovative intensive care ventilators and lung monitors are no exception. Our high-performance Evita ventilators are configurable, upgradeable and include advanced training and service concepts – offering you a complete solution for effective ventilation treatments. We also focus on the latest advancements for the respiratory management of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and our ventilators offer many recognised ICU ventilation modes as standard – including non-invasive ventilation and high flow oxygen therapy. We are committed to improving patient outcomes and clinical workflows at every point, including options to enable easy patient transport and early mobilisation.


Intensive Care Ventilation Workshops

This workshop enables participants to remain up-to-date with developments in intensive care ventilation We offer both Basic and Advanced Workshops. The program includes practical examples and is interactive.

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Dräger Evita® V800

Dräger Evita® V800

​​Experience the next level of ventilator operation. The Evita® V800 combines high performance ventilation with an aesthetic design enabling quick and efficient operation. From the first onset of a lung protective ventilation until the integration of a patient care-centred intensive care workplace.

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Dräger Savina® 300 Select

Dräger Savina® 300 Select

The Dräger Savina® 300 Select (in this configuration) combines the independence and power of a turbine-driven ventilation system with sophisticated ventilation modes. Its broad variety of features and accessories supports a patient range from babies* to adults. The large colour touch screen and intuitive operating system that concentrates ...

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Dräger Babylog® VN800

Dräger Babylog® VN800

​Babylog® VN800 comes with a new user interface and design which makes operation easier and more efficient. The neonatal ventilator supports lung and brain protective ventilation modes throughout the whole respiratory cycle and can be easily integrated in a developmental care friendly workplace.

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Emergency ventilators

Reliable ventilation technology that provides you with safe assistance in an emergency.

Dräger Oxylog® 3000 plus

Dräger Oxylog® 3000 plus

Offering high ventilation performance with features such as AutoFlow® integrated capnography and non-invasive Ventilation, the compact and robust Oxylog® 3000 plus helps you transport your patients safely and provides feedback on correctness of intubation and ventilation effectiveness. The Oxylog® 3000 plus gives you confidence ...

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Oxylog® VE300

Oxylog® VE300

​The straightforward and user-friendly Dräger Oxylog® VE300 is built to face your challenges in preclinical emergency services. With reliable ventilation technology, robustness and intuitive operation, it provides you with reliable and safe assistance in an emergency.

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Image-guided lung protection

One of the major challenges in caring for ventilated patients in the intensive care unit is determining the individual ventilation settings needed to ensure lung protection. Our image-guided lung protection approach enables you to see the previously unseen – so you can truly personalise ventilation. This can help alleviate some of the negative issues seen with mechanical ventilation, such as ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI), which often contributes to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

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Dräger PulmoVista® 500

Dräger PulmoVista® 500

Making ventilation visible. Put the power of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) to work for you and your patients. With the PulmoVista® 500, you can visualise regional air distribution within the lungs – non-invasive, in real time and directly at

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Ventilation modes in intensive care brochure

Ventilation modes in intensive care

Patients can be ventilated in many different ways – and when operating a ventilator, it’s not always obvious what individual settings to use. This booklet gives you a deeper understanding of how and when to use the available modes for our ventilators.

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Individualize Mechanical Ventilation Therapy

Mechanical ventilation: As non-invasive as possible, as invasive as necessary. Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), who are dependent on mechanical ventilation, need the best care from admission to discharge – and beyond. However a variety of different tools may be required for different therapy phases.

More intensive care solutions

We offer a variety of solutions to support your intensive care environment.

Consumables and accessories

Hospital Consumables & Accessories

Doctors in OR use medical supply system including Movita System, Perseus A500 and Polaris 600

Medical Pendants & Infrastructure Design

Patient Monitoring Systems

Patient Monitoring Systems

Nurse oversees a premature baby in an incubator

Neonatal Incubators & Thermoregulation


Your specialist in intensive care

We design intelligent workplaces with integrated alarm systems using ergonomic, patient-centred workflows to promote the healing process. Our protective mechanical ventilation tools, in combination with our patient and respiratory monitoring solutions, help you better achieve your therapy goals. That´s why we are "Your Specialist in Acute Care”.

Dräger services


We offer comprehensive consulting and support services for our devices to ensure maximum performance for your department. With our experience, flexibility and uncompromising quality standards, we are always by your side – with services that are tailored to your needs.

Get in touch with Dräger


Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Johannesburg: 2 Ruacana Street, Waterfall Commercial District, (cnr Beatty Street), Buccleuch, 2090

+27(0)11 059 4200

Postal Address: P.O. Box 4676 Rivonia, 2128 Republic of South Africa  

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Cape Town:  Unit 2, 7 on London, 7 London Circle, Brackengate Business Park, Brackenfell, 7561 

+27(0) 21 819 3000

Postal Address: P.O. Box 3677 Tygervalley 7536

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Durban: 17 Thynk Industrial Park Cnr Brickworks and Queen Nandi Drive, Briardene, Durban North, 7561 

+27(0)31 812 7914

Postal Address: P.O. Box 40554 Redhill 4071

Dräger Ghana Ltd.

3rd Floor, EY Tower-Canon House, 60 Rangoon Lane, Cantonments City, Accra - Ghana

Postal Address: P.O Box CT 4412, Cantonments, Accra – Ghana.

Digital Address: GL-045-5249