Andrea embarked on her medical career at the age of 17. She graduated from Stellenbosch University in 2012, a husband and son richer.
Thereafter, she gained anaesthetic experience at Tygerberg Hospital, during which her daughter was born, before moving to Upington for community service. She obtained her FCA and MMed in Anaesthesiology and Critical care from Stellenbosch University in 2020, where she remained as a specialist anaesthetist with shared clinical responsibilities in anaesthesia and the surgical ICU.
Andrea pursued a short course in global health and is currently in the process of obtaining her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in healthcare leadership from the Stellenbosch University Business School.
Beyond that, Andrea serves on the South African society of anaesthesiologists private practice business unit (SASA PPBU), has presented anaesthesia related topics on a national and international platform and has a special place in her heart for the education and training of nurses. She has presented a one day anaesthesia course for nurses at a local hospital in Gqeberha and subsequently, arranged a congress for the nurses of the Eastern Cape, later that year. She also serves as the Western Cape representative on the SASA anaesthesia nurses special interest group.
In her spare time she loves dancing and spending time with her husband and 5 kids (three of which are furry).