Dräger CPS 5900 Hazmat Suits

Dräger CPS 5900

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Dräger CPS 5900

The Dräger CPS 5900 is the ideal disposable, gas-tight chemical protective suit for hazmat incidents. Where complete protection against hazardous gases, liquids and particles is of the utmost priority, this lightweight garment is the suit of choice.

The right level of protection

The CPS 5900 provides excellent protection against a broad range of industrial chemicals as well as warfare agents. Specifically designed for low risk operations, it can be used in a variety of applications such as when taking measurements or transferring hazardous substances in non-explosive atmospheres. As the first chemical protective suit to be approved to NFPA 1994, class2 and EN 943 part 1&2 (ET), the CPS 5900 also complies with the requirements of the SOLAS convention (pending). As a result, it fulfils the most demanding international standards of fire fighters and industrial users for limited use, gas-tight protective suits. Where the potential risks might include mechanical stress and flash fire, the heavy duty Dräger CPS 7900 protective suit should be worn.

Offering even more comfort

Featuring the new Dräger cut, the Dräger CPS 5900 offers improved ergonomics and optimized compatibility with various types of personal protective equipment including the latest breathing apparatus, helmets and other forms of PPE. It can also be worn with twin cylinders or closed circuit breathing apparatus. Available in five sizes, the suit is designed to fit both male and female users from 1.50 m to 2.10 m in height. Made of Zytron® 500, the softest laminate material on the market, each seam has been sewn and then hot-air taped internally and externally. The material and production quality allow for a ten-year shelf life.

Zytron® is a registered trademark of Kappler Inc.

Meeting your needs

  • Fully encapsulating suit for maximum protection
  • Wide front entry on left side for easy donning & doffing
  • Zipper fastener (bottom up)
  • Double flap zipper protection
  • Flexible and foldable two-layer visor offers almost natural field of vision
  • Integrated gas-tight socks with boot flaps for use with multiple boot sizes
  • Fixed gloves combine butyl outer with laminate inner lining for increased protection against chemicals and punctures
  • Kevlar over-glove for additional cut protection
  • Integrated waist belt for size adjustment
  • Optional with connector for external air supply to extend decontamination phase


CPS 5900 Product Information, en
CPS 5900 Product Information, en

(Acrobat .PDF) The Dräger CPS 5900 is the ideal disposable, gas-tight chemical protective suit for hazmat incidents. Where complete protection against hazardous gases, liquids and particles is of the utmost priority, this lightweight garment is the suit of choice.


Procedure for Donning Gas-tight Chemical Protective Suit Type 1a (PDF)
Procedure for Donning Gas-tight Chemical Protective Suit Type 1a (PDF)


Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)
Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)

Whether taking pre entry measurements, transferring liquids, or responding to emergencies: Dräger offers a large range of chemical protective suits – tailor-made for a large variety of application areas.


Health Effects of Hazardous Substances Brochure, en
Air supply system poster, en-master
Airline Product Poster, en
CPS 5900 Product Information, en
IFU SP Manual cleaning and disinfecting procedures - 9100081 de, en me

Protective suits and substances

Dräger protective suits can be used to protect for a large number of hazardous substances. Check for which substances this suit can be used, and get information about the permeation times, by searching a substance. Our experts help you with more information about material, sizes and accessories.

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Product configurations

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1 matching Suit(s)

Technical Data

Key Facts

Product type
Gas-tight suit
Reuse Class
Limited use
Suit Type Class
Performance Class
Shelf Life (years)
Zytron® 500
Available Colors

Breathing protection options

Constant flow
SCBA inside
SCBA outside
Air Purifying Respirator


Mechanical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Temperature Resistance

Resistance against

Known gases
Unknown gases
Mechanical stress
Deepcold substances
Flash fires


EN 943
EN 14605
EN ISO 13982-1
EN 13034
EN 1073-1 / EN 1073-2
EN 14126
EN 1149
EN 14593
EN 14594
ISO 16602

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+27(0)31 812 7900

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​40554​ ​Redhill​ ​4071

Dräger Kenya Ltd

Nairobi:​​ ​​8th​​ ​​Floor​​ ​​Office​​ ​​2,​​ ​​Sanlam​​ ​​Tower,​​ ​​Westlands

+25(0) 47 462 40336

Postal​​ ​​Address:​​ ​​PO​​ ​​Box​​ ​​2380​​ ​​–​​ ​​00606,​​ ​​Nairobi,​​ ​​Kenya.