Dräger CPS 7900 Hazmat Suits

Dräger CPS 7900

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Dräger CPS 7900

Tailor-made for use under extreme conditions: The gas-tight Dräger CPS 7900 provides excellent protection against industrial chemicals, biological agents, and other toxic substances. Its innovative material qualifies the CPS 7900 equally well for work in explosive areas and for handling cryogenic substances.

Protection in a class of its own

The chemical protective suit Dräger CPS 7900 was developed to protect its wearer when handling toxic or hazardous materials and to provide much needed support for a variety of dangerous tasks. The suit material D-mex offers unique resistance to various substances. The Dräger CPS 7900 meets and exceeds the requirements of international standards of fire departments, search and rescue organizations, and industry for reusable protection suits.

D-mex: 5-Fold safety

The suit's innovative and unique material D-mex consists of five layers. An especially sturdy elastomer layer as well as a barrier layer resistant to chemicals is on the inside as well as the outside. This allows the suit to retain its full protective capacity even when the material on the outside becomes damaged. Its electrostatic properties make it possible to use the suit in explosive areas. The flexibility of D-mex even makes it possible to handle liquefied gases such as ammonia at a contact temperature of -80°C.

Outstanding wearing comfort

The chemical protective suit reduces the stress during the already difficult work in hazard zones and danger areas. With its new, ergonomic cut and five available sizes, the suit offers its wearers with a body height of 1.50 m to 2.10 m the highest degree of mobility during a wide variety of activities and tasks. Moreover, the clearly lighter weight and better drape of the suit material adjusts to the wearer's movements and offers the full range of flexibility.

Ready at any time

​Innovative materials and new service concepts made it possible to significantly reduce time and expenses for regular testing and expenses. In addition, the suit can be easily cleaned and disinfected. This means the time and expense spent over the 15 years of service life of the suit is much less.

Never again gasping for a breath

​Breathing air is a scarce commodity when it comes to runs involving toxic materials or hazardous atmospheres. The route to the deployment location and the decontamination location must be bridged. The actual tasks must be completed. This is followed by a careful decontamination so that suits can be removed. The amount of air available in a compressed air breathing apparatus often is insufficient to cover both activities. For this reason the suit can be equipped with optional pass thrus.

Intelligent details from head to toe

​The design of the visor in combination with the full-face mask Dräger FPS 7000 offers an almost natural field of vision. Three different glove combinations can be attached to the suit quickly and without tools. Optionally, the suit can be equipped with integrated safety boots or gas-tight socks. An integrated radio pocket and a holder for push-to-talk buttons make communication easier.

Further accessories are available to customize the chemical protective suit to meet your specific needs and requirements, thereby expanding your range of application options. Including pressure gauge holder, height adjustment, anti-fog visor and D-Connect.


CPS 7900 Produktinformation, en
CPS 7900 Produktinformation, en

Tailor-made for use under extreme conditions: The gas-tight Dräger CPS 7900 provides excellent protection against industrial chemicals, biological agents, and other toxic substances. Its innovative material qualifies the CPS 7900 equally well for work in explosive areas and for handling cryogenic substances.


Procedure for Donning Gas-tight Chemical Protective Suit Type 1a (PDF)
Procedure for Donning Gas-tight Chemical Protective Suit Type 1a (PDF)


Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)
Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)

Whether taking pre entry measurements, transferring liquids, or responding to emergencies: Dräger offers a large range of chemical protective suits – tailor-made for a large variety of application areas.


Air supply system poster, en-master
Airline Product Poster, en
IFU SP Manual cleaning and disinfecting procedures - 9100081 de, en me

Protective suits and substances

Dräger protective suits can be used to protect for a large number of hazardous substances. Check for which substances this suit can be used, and get information about the permeation times, by searching a substance. Our experts help you with more information about material, sizes and accessories.

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Product configurations

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Technical Data

Key Facts

Product type
Gas-tight suit
Reuse Class
Suit Type Class
Performance Class
Shelf Life (years)
Available Colors
Blue, Orange

Breathing protection options

Constant flow
SCBA inside
SCBA outside
Air Purifying Respirator


Mechanical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Temperature Resistance

Resistance against

Known gases
Unknown gases
Mechanical stress
Deepcold substances
Flash fires


EN 943
EN 14605
EN ISO 13982-1
EN 13034
EN 1073-1 / EN 1073-2
EN 14126
EN 1149
EN 14593
EN 14594
ISO 16602

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+27(0) 21 819 3000

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Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

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+27(0)31 812 7900

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​40554​ ​Redhill​ ​4071

Dräger Kenya Ltd

Nairobi:​​ ​​8th​​ ​​Floor​​ ​​Office​​ ​​2,​​ ​​Sanlam​​ ​​Tower,​​ ​​Westlands

+25(0) 47 462 40336

Postal​​ ​​Address:​​ ​​PO​​ ​​Box​​ ​​2380​​ ​​–​​ ​​00606,​​ ​​Nairobi,​​ ​​Kenya.