Dräger Testor 2500/3500

​​The Dräger Testor 2500/3500 is a compact all-rounder for the static tests of your breathing protection equipment. Testing is reliable, easy, and convenient. The compact design enables both models to be integrated smoothly into any breathing protection workshop.

Versatile testing options

Both Dräger Testor 2500/3500 models are designed for tests in the low – and medium-pressure range. They are especially suitable for testing:

  • full face masks,
  • compressed air breathing apparatus,
  • lung demand valves, and
  • chemical protection suits.

Quick and easy to operate

Use the Dräger Testor 2500/3500 to test your breathing protection equipment conveniently and reliably – manually with the Testor 2500 or PC-controlled with the Testor 3500. Both models feature a clear control panel with two pressure gauges, timers, and control levers. Negative and positive pressure is generated intuitively.

The Dräger Testor 2500/3500 is independent of inlet pressure thanks to the integrated pressure reducer. Any medium pressure from 4 to 10 bar may be applied.

Realistic mask testing

The test head of the Testor 2500/3500 has a natural shape. It is securely mounted, and the gel face may be replaced independently by the user as required. The design eliminates the need for any inflation and deflation of the test head. The new gel face II is more robust due to the optimised material composition. This enables full breathing protection masks to be tested faster and better in less time.

Improved user friendliness

Lung demand valves may be tested with an adapter, which connects easily to the mouth opening on the test head. Because there is no head inflation, the Dräger Testor 2500/3500 only features two control levers. Switching over the valves is also unnecessary. The small measuring range of -15 to +25 mbar is easier to read. This makes the device easier and more convenient to use.

PC operation

You can also operate the Dräger Testor 3500 with a PC, using the USB connection located on the rear of the device. The Dräger Protector software, which is included, guides you through the test process in steps, displays measured values in graphic form, and evaluates them. Naturally, all test results may be saved and printed for documentation purposes.

Integration is possible in any workshop

With its compact size and robust design, the Dräger Testor 2500/3500 fits into any workshop. A base plate (optional) also enables the device to snap onto the workbench mounting of the Dräger Quaestor 5000/7000 and the Prestor 5000. The gel face II is used for all three testing device types. This ensures maximum compatibility and increases the efficiency of your workshop.

Versatile training services

The Dräger Academy offers you a broad training program for the professional application and correct operation of our testing devices.


Testor 2500/3500 Produkt Information, en-gb
Testor 2500/3500 Produkt Information, en-gb

The Dräger Testor 2500/3500 is a compact all-rounder for the static tests of your breathing protection equipment. Testing is reliable, easy, and convenient.


Protector Software V8.3.1
Protector Software V8.3.1


Get in touch with Dräger

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Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

​Johannesburg:​ ​2​ ​Ruacana​ ​Street,​ ​Waterfall​ ​Commercial​ ​District,​ ​(cnr​ ​Beatty​ ​Street),​ ​Buccleuch,​ ​2090

+27(0)11 059 4200

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​4676​ ​Rivonia,​ ​2128​ ​Republic​ ​of​ ​South​ ​Africa

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

​Cape​ ​Town:​ ​​ ​Unit​ ​2,​ ​7​ ​on​ ​London,​ ​7​ ​London​ ​Circle,​ ​Brackengate​ ​Business​ ​Park​ ​Brackenfell,​ ​7561

+27(0) 21 819 3000

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​3677​ ​Tygervalley​ ​7536

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

​Durban:​ ​17​ ​Thynk​ ​Industrial​ ​Park​ ​Cnr​ ​Brickworks​ ​and​ ​Queen​ ​Nandi​ ​Drive,​ ​Briardene,​ ​Durban​ ​North,​ ​7561

+27(0)31 812 7900

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​40554​ ​Redhill​ ​4071

Dräger Kenya Ltd

Nairobi:​​ ​​8th​​ ​​Floor​​ ​​Office​​ ​​2,​​ ​​Sanlam​​ ​​Tower,​​ ​​Westlands

+25(0) 47 462 40336

Postal​​ ​​Address:​​ ​​PO​​ ​​Box​​ ​​2380​​ ​​–​​ ​​00606,​​ ​​Nairobi,​​ ​​Kenya.