Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 200/300 Oxygen-Filling Stations

Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 200/300

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Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 200/300

The stationary Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 200 and Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 300 allow oxygen at pressures of up to 300 bar to be efficiently decanted from storage cylinders into apparatus cylinders.

Various fields of application

The Dräger oxygen filling stations are ideally suitable for use, particularly when permanent operational readiness, large supply amounts and efficiency are required:

  • for firefighting
  • for mining
  • for professional and recreational diving
  • at humanitarian and emergency organizations, Red Cross, Technical Emergency Corps, etc.

Efficient, cost-effective and ready for use at any time

Due to the vertical design, the compact oxygen filling station is small in design ensuring that it fits in everywhere. The station is equipped with a complete logistical fill panel, incl. valves and pressure gauges, it is easily ready for use at any time. Higher efficiency is ensured by the electric motor and the simultaneous filling of up to four apparatus cylinders with a low noise level.

Easy to use

The user-friendly operating interface ensures starting and monitoring of the filling procedure. The filling is carried out by only a few steps. All filling valves are positioned in a convenient and user-friendly height.

Tested safety

All Dräger Oxygen Booster pumps are manufactured to ISO 9001 as well as being approved and certified by TÜV and BAM.


Product Information: Dräger DOB 200/300 (PDF)
Product Information: Dräger DOB 200/300 (PDF)

The stationary Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 200 and Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 300 allow oxygen at pressures of up to 300 bar to be efficiently decanted from storage cylinders into apparatus cylinders.


IFU Bügelsicherheitsventil - Safety Valve - 9021780 de-me
IFU Bügelsicherheitsventil - Safety Valve - 9021780 de-me

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


IFU Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 200/300 9021426 de, en me
IFU Dräger Oxygen Booster DOB 200/300 9021426 de, en me

These instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only. Please always read and comply with the instructions for use delivered with the product.


IFU SP Dräger Oxygen Booster 200/300 9021889 de, en me

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Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

​Johannesburg:​ ​2​ ​Ruacana​ ​Street,​ ​Waterfall​ ​Commercial​ ​District,​ ​(cnr​ ​Beatty​ ​Street),​ ​Buccleuch,​ ​2090

+27(0)11 059 4200

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​4676​ ​Rivonia,​ ​2128​ ​Republic​ ​of​ ​South​ ​Africa

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

​Cape​ ​Town:​ ​​ ​Unit​ ​2,​ ​7​ ​on​ ​London,​ ​7​ ​London​ ​Circle,​ ​Brackengate​ ​Business​ ​Park​ ​Brackenfell,​ ​7561

+27(0) 21 819 3000

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​3677​ ​Tygervalley​ ​7536

Dräger South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

​Durban:​ ​17​ ​Thynk​ ​Industrial​ ​Park​ ​Cnr​ ​Brickworks​ ​and​ ​Queen​ ​Nandi​ ​Drive,​ ​Briardene,​ ​Durban​ ​North,​ ​7561

+27(0)31 812 7900

​Postal​ ​Address:​ ​P.O.​ ​Box​ ​40554​ ​Redhill​ ​4071

Dräger Kenya Ltd

Nairobi:​​ ​​8th​​ ​​Floor​​ ​​Office​​ ​​2,​​ ​​Sanlam​​ ​​Tower,​​ ​​Westlands

+25(0) 47 462 40336

Postal​​ ​​Address:​​ ​​PO​​ ​​Box​​ ​​2380​​ ​​–​​ ​​00606,​​ ​​Nairobi,​​ ​​Kenya.