SPC 4700 with CVA 0700 Hazmat Suits

SPC 4700 with CVA 0700

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SPC 4700 with CVA 0700

​Comfort and mobility, along with optimal protection: that's what you get when you combine the Dräger SPC 4700 liquid-tight protective suit with the CVA 0700 ventilation vest. This type 3 suit reliably protects against chemicals while the vest provides a continuous supply of breathing air and a pleasant, cooling airflow.

The improved design of the CVA 0700, combined with a new, innovative suit material

​The new suit material, made from CLF and CPM is comfortable, soft and makes little noise. Plus it is highly resistant to chemicals and available in three suit configurations. The ventilation vests have also been improved: the noise level has been reduced to below 70 db(A), and the new, improved cleaning system enables simple machine-cleaning of the vest.

Breath easily – and work more effectively

​With the combination of the Dräger SPC 4700 and CVA 0700, you can work effectively without the need for heavyweight respiratory protective equipment. Instead, an external air supply reliably provides you with clean breathing air. The special ventilation vest distributes the air evenly inside the suit, producing a cooling effect and preventing the panoramic viewing pane from fogging. Thanks to the light weight of the suit and vest, you can work in greater comfort than ever before. Lengthy, complex or stressful tasks can be handled more easily and safely. The light weight and working without breathing resistance also ensure that occupational health check-ups are not required. In addition, you are not limited in regards to wearing time thanks to the heat stress-reducing properties in the head and torso area – confirmed by the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).

Get more done with greater safety

​Devote your undivided attention to your work. The liquid-tight SPC 4700 protective suit makes it easier than ever to do just that. It offers an outstanding level of quality and reliability. With an inlet pressure of three to ten bar, the Safe Flow feature ensures the ideal air feed at all times. The automatic self-test saves time by eliminating lengthy pre-testing. An acoustic warning sound alerts the wearer whenever the air feed is interrupted or sinks below the specified air pressure. Another advantage of the combination is its excellent compatibility with other Dräger systems. Mobile compressors from the Dräger PAS® MAC series or compressed air hose devices from the Dräger MAV and PAS AirPack series are perfect additions.

The suit in combination with the vest will protect you even in explosive areas. The system can be used in zones 0, 1, 2 (IIA/IIB/IIC) as well as 20, 21, 22 (IIIA/IIIB/IIIC).

Quality you can see and feel

​The high-quality CVA 0700 ventilation vest is worn underneath the suit, preventing it from coming into contact with hazardous substances. Unlike the splash-protection suit, it can be used more than once. This saves time and money. The ventilation vest is easy to maintain, simple to clean and suited for many different areas of application. With an average air consumption of 300 – 400 l/min (depending on the compressed air supply), the CVA 0700 supplies a cost-effective, safe, comfortable and steady air feed. Important components of the system, like the pressure reducer, come from the tried-and-trusted Dräger PSS series.


SPC 4700 and CVA 0700 Product Information, en
SPC 4700 and CVA 0700 Product Information, en


Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)
Brochure: Safety You Can Count On Dräger Chemical Protective Suits (PDF)

Whether taking pre entry measurements, transferring liquids, or responding to emergencies: Dräger offers a large range of chemical protective suits – tailor-made for a large variety of application areas.


Air supply system poster, en-master
Air supply system poster, en-master


Airline Product Poster, en
Article: Heat stress in protective suits
Best Practice EVONIK: Employee protection during the production of speciality chemicals
IFU Dräger CVA 0700 - 3363566 de-me
IFU SPC 4700 - 9031386 de-me
SPC 4700 and CVA 0700 Donning Poster, en
SPC 4700 with CVA 0700 Feature Overview Poster, en
X-plore 9xx0 & PAS X-plore System Poster, en
X-plore 9xx0 & PAS X-plore System Poster, en

Protective suits and substances

Dräger protective suits can be used to protect for a large number of hazardous substances. Check for which substances this suit can be used, and get information about the permeation times, by searching a substance. Our experts help you with more information about material, sizes and accessories.

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Product configurations

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Technical Data

Key Facts

Product type
Ventilated splash-protection suit
Reuse Class
Limited use
Suit Type Class
3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6
Performance Class
Shelf Life (years)
Available Colors
Yellow, Orange, White

Breathing protection options

Constant flow
SCBA inside
SCBA outside
Air Purifying Respirator


Mechanical Resistance
Chemical Resistance
Temperature Resistance

Resistance against

Known gases
Unknown gases
Mechanical stress
Deepcold substances
Flash fires


EN 943
EN 14605
EN ISO 13982-1
EN 13034
EN 1073-1 / EN 1073-2
EN 14126
EN 1149
EN 14593
EN 14594
ISO 16602

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