Respiracijske cijevi

Pouzdani, praktični i dizajnirani za sigurnost. Budući da se respiracijske cijevi postavljaju izravno na pacijenta, o njima ovisi ispravnost cijelog sustava za anesteziju ili ventilaciju. Uz Drägerove repiracijske cijevi možete biti sigurni da je svaki proizvod pažljivo osmišljen za rad u sklopu čitava sustava.

An integral part of the process

Dräger has leveraged its decades of experience in anesthesia and ventilation devices, as well as reusable accessories, to develop these disposable solutions. Our wide range of breathing circuits helps to ensure optimal fit and functionality. And we are committed to the continued expansion of our disposable line to optimize patient safety—no matter what the Dräger device, treatment, or age of the patient.

Integralni dio procesa

Dräger koristi desetljeća iskustva u proizvodnji uređaja za anesteziju i ventilaciju, kao i višekratnog pribora, u razvoju ovih jednokratnih rješenja. Širok raspon respiracijskih cijevi osigurava optimalnu funkciju. Predano radimo na nastavku širenja asortimana jednokratnih proizvoda kako bismo postigli optimalnu sigurnost za pacijente, bez obzira o kojem se Drägerovom uređaju, načinu liječenja ili dobi pacijenta radi.

Hygienic and efficient

Because disposables are designed for single-patient use, they help prevent costly cross-contamination. Disposables also contribute to process efficiency, so caregivers can allocate more time to other aspects of patient care.

Higijena i djelotvornost

Budući da je jednokratni pribor namijenjeni upotrebi na jednom pacijentu, pomaže u sprečavanju skupe unakrsne kontaminacije. Jednokratan pribor doprinosi i djelotvornosti procesa, tako da njegovatelji mogu posvetiti više vremena drugim vidovima njege pacijenata.

The safety of biocompatible materials

Our Portfolio lets you tailor the breathing solution to the needs of the individual patient and it has been tested for biocompatibility. The breathing circuit portfolio does not contain PVC or PVC softeners such as DEHP and it offers latex-free products. This helps to minimise the risk of allergic reactions.

Sigurnost biokompatibilnih materijala

Zahvaljujući našem proizvodnom programu možete prilagoditi respiracijsko rješenje potrebama pojedinih pacijenata. Biokompatibilnost je ispitana za sve proizvode. Respiracijske cijevi ne sadrže PVC niti omekšivače PVC-a kao što je DEHP i u potpunosti su bez lateksa. Time se smanjuje opasnost od alergijskih reakcija.


Disposable Breathing Circuits Product information, en
Disposable Breathing Circuits Product information, en

Reliable, convenient and designed for safety. Because the breathing circuit is the direct interface to the patient, the integrity of your entire anesthesia or ventilation system depends on it.


Infinity® ID Accessories Brochure, en
Infinity® ID Accessories Brochure, en

Accessories that actively cooperate


Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en
Accessory Catalogue 2025/2026, en

Always an essential part of your acute care


IFU Anesthesia set Basic - 9038752 de-me
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - Infinity ID Breathing Bag Set (N) 110 9040111 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - Infinity ID Breathing Bag Set (P) 110 9040108 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - Infinity ID Breathing Bag Set / 150 9039376 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - Infinity ID Breathing Circuit Basic (N) 180 9040109 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - Infinity ID Breathing Circuit Basic (P) 180 9040112 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - Infinity ID Breathing Circuit Flex 220 9040114 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - VentStar Basic (P) 180/250 9040033 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - VentStar MRI Disposable Breathing Circuit 9039281 ME
IFU Breathing circuits (basic, flex) - VentStar-Resuscitaire 9039135 ME
IFU Infinity ID - Breathing Circuit Smoothbore 150/300 - 9510242 de-me
IFU Infinity ID / Breathing Circuit Basic 180 - 9052421 de-me
IFU Infinity ID / Breathing Circuit Smoothbore / 300 - 9039377 de-me
IFU Infinity ID Breathing Circuit Basic - 9040115 de-me
IFU Vent Set Basic / Vent Set Flex - 9038751 de-me
IFU VentStar Anesthesia (N) - 9040031 de-me
IFU VentStar anesthesia (P) - 9039540 de-me
IFU VentStar Anesthesia Basic - 9039455 de-me
IFU VentStar Bag Set (N) / Infinity ID Breathing Bag Set (N) 110 - 9052341 de-me
IFU VentStar Basic (N) / Infinity ID Breathing Circuit Basic (N) 180 - 9052340 de-me
IFU VentStar Basic (P) 150 / Infinity ID Breathing Circuit Basic (P) 180 - 9039708 de-me
IFU VentStar Basic / Infinity ID Breathing Circuit Basic … - 9040032 de-me
IFU VentStar Breathing Bag - 9053103 de-me
IFU VentStar breathing bag set (P) 110 / Infinity ID breathing bag set (P) 110 - 9039709 de-me
IFU VentStar breathing bag set / Infinity ID breathing bag set - 9039375 de-me
IFU VentStar Flex 220 / Infinity ID breathing circuit Flex 220 - 9052006 de-me
IFU VentStar MRI (N) 300 - 9039541 de-me
IFU VentStar MRI (N) 300 - 9510241 de-me
IFU VentStar MRI 300 - 9510313 de-me

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Man with blue shirt

Dräger Medical Croatia d.o.o.

​Avenija​ ​Većeslava​ ​Holjevca​ ​40
10010​ ​Zagreb

+385 1 65 99 444

​Fax:​ ​+385​ ​1​ ​65​ ​99​ ​404