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Traininguri și studii de caz

Vă sprijinim în dezvoltarea cunoștințelor clinice

În calitate de specialiști în îngrijirea acută, ne angajăm să împărtășim cunoștințele și expertiza noastră persoanelor care lucrează în îngrijirea acută. Mai jos, puteți găsi o gamă de materiale educaționale care să vă sprijine cu nevoile zilnice, cum ar fi traininguri de produse, broșuri clinice, videoclipuri despre produse și studii de caz.

High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
Draeger High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation Booklet

Theory and Practical Applications 

Author: Jane Pillow

Draeger Autoflow Booklet

The Oxylog 3000 plus incorporates the benefits of pressure controlled ventilation into volume controlled ventilation.

Breathing Book
Draeger Breathing Booklet

Spontaneous breathing during artificial ventilation

Electrical Impedance Tomography
Draeger Electrical Impedance Tomography Booklet

The realisation of regional ventilation monitoring 

Authors: Eckhard Teschner, Michael Imhoff & Steffen Leonhardt

High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
Draeger High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation Booklet

Theory and Practical Applications 

Author: Jane Pillow

It began with the pulmotor
Draeger History of Mechanical Ventilation Booklet

The History of Mechanical Ventilation 

Author: Ernst Bahns 

New ventilation modes in intensive care
Draeger Ventilation Modes Booklet

Author: Karin Deden 

Paediatric anaesthesia
Draeger Paediatric Anaesthesia Book

Authors: Dr. K. Rupp, Dr. J. Holzki, Dr. T. Fischer and Dr. C. Keller 

The History of Anaesthesia at Dräger
Draeger History of Anaesthesia Booklet

Volume I 

Pressure Support Ventilation

A New Triggered Ventilation Mode for Neonates 

Authors: Jean Christophe Rozé and Thomas Krüger 

Protective Ventilation
Draeger Protective Ventilation Booklet

Author: Frank Ralfs 

Draeger SmartCare PS Booklet

The automated weaning protocol 

Authors: Andreas Neumann and Hartmut Schmidt 

Volume guarantee
Draeger Volume Guarantee Booklet

New Approaches in Volume Controlled Ventilation for Neonates 

Authors: Jag Ahluwalia, Colin Morley and Hans Georg Wahle 

Low-flow, minimal-flow and metabolic-flow anaesthesia
Draeger low, minimal flow anaesthesia book

Clinical techniques for use with rebreathing systems

Authors: Christian Hönemann and Bert Mierke

Training online pentru aparate de ventilație și anestezie

Cu ajutorul trainerilor și simulatoarelor noastre interactive, ne dorim să vă ajutăm să cunoașteți dispozitivele noastre și să câștigați încredere în funcționarea și aplicarea acestora în practica clinică de zi cu zi.

Simulatoarele de produse enumerate pot fi rulate direct în browser.

Training aparate de ventilație


Evita V800/Babylog VN800

Simulator für Beatmungsgeräte

Savina 300 Trainer

Beatmungsgeräte Simulation für Krankenhäuser

Evita V500 Trainer

Produktsimulator für den Babylog VN500

Babylog VN500 Trainer

Simulation für Trainingszwecke vom Oxylog Beatmungsgerät

Oxylog® 3000 Plus Trainer

Savina Beatmungsgerät Simulator

Savina 300 SW 5.n Trainer

Training aparate de anestezie

Simulatoren für die Anästhesie

Perseus A500 SW Version 1.n Trainer

Anästhesiegerätesimulation für die Narkose in der Humanmedizin

Perseus A500 SW Version 2.n Trainer

Interaktives Produkttraining für Ihr Krankenhaus

Atlan Family eLearning Module

Primus Simulation eines Anästhesiegerätes

Primus® Trainer

Simulatoren für das Krankenhaus - Anästhesie

Primus Infinity® Empowered Product Trainer

Aflați cum se folosesc dispozitivele noastre. Video-urile de mai jos se pot deschide direct în browser. 

Savina 300 - Cum se foloseste

Descoperă Perseus A500

Babylog Vn800/600 – Cum se folosește

Descoperă Pulmovista 500

Cum se folosește Oxylog VE300

Descoperă Atlan A350

Funcții de bază. Descoperiți Zeus

Bine de știut despre Fabius plus XL

Descoperiți câteva studii de caz și abordări clinice. În această secțiune puteți găsi o serie destul de variată de rapoarte și informații cu privire la anestezie, ventilație sau aplicații SmartCare®.

Nottingham City Hospital – Innovative Workplace Design
Nottingham City Hospitals Case Study

Nottingham City Hospital chose the Dräger Movita® workplace solution aiming at providing all-round access to the patient, ergonomic positioning and handling of medical equipment, excellent cable management, and a free floor. The new integrated hoist and mobilization system resulted in improved clinical workflow, patient comfort and safety, and staff satisfaction.

Target Controlled Anaesthesia at City Hospitals Sunderland
City Hospitals Sunderland Case Study

In February 2012, Dräger Zeus® Infinity Empowered (IE) target controlled capable anaesthetic machines were introduced into all operating theatres within City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust.

Oxygen Therapy – using Dräger Evita
Glenfield Hospitals Case Study

In 2013 Glenfield Hospitals, part of University Hospitals Leicester, changed its approach to using the Dräger Evita. This has enabled the hospital to make cost efficiencies, improve patient comfort and increase ease of use for staff, forming part of a seamless care pathway.

How low can you flow?
Low Flow Case Study

Although low- and minimal-flow anaesthesia offers many benefits, successful adoption has been hindered by a lack of simple-to-use methods to guide anaesthetists on the efficient usage of volatile gases. This is now set to change following an advancement in gas monitoring software, which measures the actual agent consumption versus uptake.

Knowledge based weaning 1
Knowledge Based Weaning Case Study

Protocolised Care in the Weaning Process.

Knowledge based weaning 2
Knowledge Based Weaning 2 Case Study

Knowledge-Based Systems for Automatic Ventilatory Management

Electrical Impedance Tomography
EIT Case Study

Committed to guiding daily respiratory therapy and helping prevent lung damage. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) has received increasing attention from the scientific community for more than 20 years. Its documented contribution to monitoring, quantification and the evaluation of therapeutic measures effectively complements other tools for respiratory monitoring.

Evolution of Weaning with SmartCare®/PS
Smartcareps Case Study.jpg

Improving Intensive Care Unit (ICU) outcomes by reducing ventilator associated complications and ventilator days may be achieved by re-engineering the weaning process 1.

Norwalk Hospital
Norwalk Hospital Case Study

At Norwalk Hospital, clinicians are reaping the benefits of a multi-tiered platform in one, user-friendly format.

Smartcare PS Case Study

A case description of a patient who was difficult to wean.

Case Study: SmartCare® “Relentless”
Smarcare PS Case Study - Knowledge Based Weaning System

Philip Thaut, respiratory therapist, explains in this interview why SmartCare®/PS became an essential adjunct to the current ventilator management strategy at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center Provo.

Disposable Expiration Valves
Disposable Exp Valves Case Study

In 2009 London’s St Mary’s Hospital Imperial NHS Trust changed from reusable to disposable expiration valves in the adult ICU. The decision, which was based on several factors including improved infection control and ease of use, has also brought the benefits of lower cost and immediate availability.

Derriford Hospital
Derriford Hospital Case Study

When choosing patient monitors for its new Cardiac Unit, Derriford Hospital thought beyond a single unit and created a hospital-wide solution where the monitor follows the patient throughout the episode of care – collecting vital signs data without interruption and making clinical data available wherever needed via the network.

Volume Guarantee
Volume Guarantee Case Study

Initiation and ongoing clinical management of an infant supported by Volume Guarantee – A Case Study 

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with the Savina 300 ventilators
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) with the Savina 300 ventilators

The Colentina Clinical Hospital in Bucharest, Romania, can look back to 164 years of experience. Currently, it has 863 beds and offers eight surgical specialties and since 2018 they practice non-invasive ventilation with 20 Savina 300 devices.

Did you know? (NIF)
NIF Infographic

The Negative Inspiratory Force Index (NIF)

Did you know? (C20/C)
DYK C20.jpg

The C20C Index

Did you know? (P0.1)
P0.1 Infographic

What is it? How is it measured? Why is it relevant? Why is it helpful to improve the outcome?

Did you know? (PPS)
Proportional Pressure Support Infographic

Proportional Pressure Support

Did you know? (Trigger)
The Inspiratory and Expiratory Trigger Infographic

The Inspiratory and Expiratory Trigger

Did you know? (MMV)
Mandatory Minute Ventilation (MMV) Infographic

Mandatory Minute Ventilation (MMV)

Did you know? (Autoflow)
DYK Autoflow.jpg

Autoflow: What is it, why is it relevant and why is it helpful to improve the outcome?

Did you know? (Quick Setting)
QuickSet Infographic

QuickSet: What is it, how to use it, why is it relevant and why is it helpful to improve outcome?

Did you know? (Pressure Link)
Pressure Link Infographic

Pressure Link: What is it, how to use it, why is it relevant and why is it helpful to improve outcomes?

Did you know? (Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in NIV)
Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in NIV Infographic

Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in NIV: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (APRV)
APRV Infographic

Airway Pressure Release Ventilation: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Volume Guarantee)
Volume Guarantee Infographic

Volume Guarantee: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Pressure Link)
Pressure Link Infographic

Pressure Link: What is it, how to use it, why is it relevant and why is it helpful to improve outcomes?

Did you know? (Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in NIV)
Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in NIV Infographic

Avoiding Pressure Ulcers in NIV: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (APRV)
APRV Infographic

Airway Pressure Release Ventilation: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Volume Guarantee)
Volume Guarantee Infographic

Volume Guarantee: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Autorelease)
Autorelease Infographic

Autorelease: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Variable Pressure Support)
Variable Pressure Support Infographic

Variable Pressure Support: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Time Constant)
Time Constant Infographic

Time Constant: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (SPV)
Smar Pulmonary View Infographic

Smart Pulmonary View: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (ETCO2)
ETCO2 Monitoring Infographic

ETCO2 Monitoring: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (PEEPi)
PEEPi Infographic

PEEPi: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (VDS)
Dead Space Volume Infographic

Dead Space Volume: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (CO2 Production)
CO2 Production Infographic

CO2 Production: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Incremental PEEP and Pinsp)

Incremental PEEP and Pinsp: How to perform it with a Dräger ventilator?

Did you know? (40 by 40)

Sustained Inflation – 40 by 40: Description, how to perform it with a Dräger ventilator and examples

Did you know? (Continuous distending pressure)

Sustained Inflation – Continuous distending pressure: Description and how to perform it with a Dräger ventilator

Did you know? (Intermittent Sighs)

Intermittent Sighs/ Intermittent High level of PEEP: Description, how to perform it with a Dräger ventilator and examples

Smarter Anesthesia Dosing
Smarter Anesthesia Dosing Infographic

Keeping the right balance is hard when mixing anesthesia drugs.

Why Dräger Original Sample Lines?
Why Dräger Original Sample Lines? - Infographic

See how the sample line and the related gas analyzer are working in a team.

Why use Dräger Original Accessories? - Ventstar Oxylog
Why use Dräger Original Accessories - Ventstar Oxylog - Infographic

Why is flow measurement important and how does it work?

Why use Dräger Original Accessories? - Flow Sensor

Why is flow measurement important in ICU and anesthesia ventilators?

Why use Dräger Original Accessories? - CO2 Cuvette
Why use Dräger Original Accessories - CO2 Cuvette - Infographic

See how why CO2 Monitoring is important and the advantages of orginial  CO2 Cuvettes

Use of patient filters in anaesthesia

Mechanical vs. Electrostatic filter

Did you know? (Autorelease)
Autorelease Infographic

Autorelease: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Variable Pressure Support)
Variable Pressure Support Infographic

Variable Pressure Support: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Time Constant)
Time Constant Infographic

Time Constant: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (SPV)
Smar Pulmonary View Infographic

Smart Pulmonary View: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (ETCO2)
ETCO2 Monitoring Infographic

ETCO2 Monitoring: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (PEEPi)
PEEPi Infographic

PEEPi: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (VDS)
Dead Space Volume Infographic

Dead Space Volume: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (CO2 Production)
CO2 Production Infographic

CO2 Production: What is it, why is it helpful to improve outcomes and how to avoid it?

Did you know? (Incremental PEEP and Pinsp)

Incremental PEEP and Pinsp: How to perform it with a Dräger ventilator?

Did you know? (40 by 40)

Sustained Inflation – 40 by 40: Description, how to perform it with a Dräger ventilator and examples

Did you know? (Continuous distending pressure)

Sustained Inflation – Continuous distending pressure: Description and how to perform it with a Dräger ventilator

Did you know? (Intermittent Sighs)

Intermittent Sighs/ Intermittent High level of PEEP: Description, how to perform it with a Dräger ventilator and examples

Smarter Anesthesia Dosing
Smarter Anesthesia Dosing Infographic

Keeping the right balance is hard when mixing anesthesia drugs.

Why Dräger Original Sample Lines?
Why Dräger Original Sample Lines? - Infographic

See how the sample line and the related gas analyzer are working in a team.

Why use Dräger Original Accessories? - Ventstar Oxylog
Why use Dräger Original Accessories - Ventstar Oxylog - Infographic

Why is flow measurement important and how does it work?

Why use Dräger Original Accessories? - Flow Sensor

Why is flow measurement important in ICU and anesthesia ventilators?

Why use Dräger Original Accessories? - CO2 Cuvette
Why use Dräger Original Accessories - CO2 Cuvette - Infographic

See how why CO2 Monitoring is important and the advantages of orginial  CO2 Cuvettes

Use of patient filters in anaesthesia

Mechanical vs. Electrostatic filter

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Draeger Romania SRL

AFI Park Floreasca
Calea Floreasca Nr. 169 A
Etaj 3, Sector 1
014459, București

+40 (0) 21 250 91 68

Sunați-ne de Luni - Joi 8:30 - 17:30

Vineri 8:30 - 12:30