FULL WHITEPAPER: Is COVID-19 related ARDS just like any ARDS of any other origin? What’s the latest discussion on the role of phenotypes in clinical decision making?
Non-invasive respiratory support
There seem to be high hopes that non-invasive respiratory support would prevent the need for endotracheal intubation (ETI) and invasive ventilation. However, there is also the fear of missing the right point for ETI in the individual patient. There is not much evidence specifically for COVID-19 patients, therefore recommendations are not available on all aspects on non-invasive respiratory support and the question of when to decide for ETI. In the following we will take a practical approach: We compiled the recommendations of four different guidelines and complemented this with information from recent publications. This is not to be interpreted as a review reflecting all currently available data, but more as a practical approach to get at least some guidance.